Kinderkraft Balance Bike SPACE, Kids First Bicycle, No Pedals, 12 inches Wheels, with Ajustable Seat, Footrest, Accessories, Bag, Bell, for Toddlers, from 2 Years Old to 35 kg, Orange
About this item
- HANDBRAKE - The safe drum brake mounted on the right side of the handlebars allows the child to immediately stop the bike
- LOCKABLE HANDLEBARS - The lockable handlebars prevent excessive and uncontrolled twisting while riding, protecting your child from falling
- COMFORTABLE FOOTREST - The footrest with non-slip element allows the child's legs to rest while riding
- WHEELS MADE OF PUNCTURE-RESISTANT FOAM - With the large wheels made of durable foam you do not have to worry about damage while riding
- ACCESSORIES - The bell mounted on the handlebars allows your child to warn pedestrians and other cyclists. The textile bag mounted on the handlebars is a great place for storing your toddler's favorite toys or “treasures” found during a walk
Product Description
Balance bike is a product that helps develop the child's ability to maintain balance. Equipped with a hand brake, it increases the safety of a toddler, and the footrests allow the child's legs to rest while riding.
Box Contains
Bike;Bell; Textile bag
About this item
- HANDBRAKE - The safe drum brake mounted on the right side of the handlebars allows the child to immediately stop the bike
- LOCKABLE HANDLEBARS - The lockable handlebars prevent excessive and uncontrolled twisting while riding, protecting your child from falling
- COMFORTABLE FOOTREST - The footrest with non-slip element allows the child's legs to rest while riding
- WHEELS MADE OF PUNCTURE-RESISTANT FOAM - With the large wheels made of durable foam you do not have to worry about damage while riding
- ACCESSORIES - The bell mounted on the handlebars allows your child to warn pedestrians and other cyclists. The textile bag mounted on the handlebars is a great place for storing your toddler's favorite toys or “treasures” found during a walk
Product Description
Balance bike is a product that helps develop the child's ability to maintain balance. Equipped with a hand brake, it increases the safety of a toddler, and the footrests allow the child's legs to rest while riding.
Box Contains
Bike;Bell; Textile bag