Feliway Optimum Anti-Stress Refill for Cats 48 ml

  • It reduces the main signs of stress in cats such as urinary marking, furniture cladding, fear reactions associated with changing environment, conflicts and tensions between cats living under the same roof. Also suitable for excessive licking or loss of appetite.
  • Scientifically proven effectiveness
  • Patented innovative formula
  • Approved by 93% of users
  • Developed and made in France.
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  • It reduces the main signs of stress in cats such as urinary marking, furniture cladding, fear reactions associated with changing environment, conflicts and tensions between cats living under the same roof. Also suitable for excessive licking or loss of appetite.
  • Scientifically proven effectiveness
  • Patented innovative formula
  • Approved by 93% of users
  • Developed and made in France.
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Beaphar CatComfort 30 day Refill
oUUoNNo Cat Wound Surgery Recovery Suit for Abdominal Wounds or Skin Diseases, After Surgery Wear, Pajama Suit, E-Collar Alternative for Cats and Dogs… (M, ArmyGreen)
Feliway Friends Refill - 48ml
Beaphar Calming Cat Treats, 35 g
Natural VetCare UriCatCare Veterinary Strength Bladder Supplement for Urinary Health in Cats